We are an architectural practice engaged in the design of a broad range of domestic projects with the intent of satisfying our clients’ programmatic building goals and needs, while creating beauty, intrinsic value, and a timeless quality to the built environment. Above all, our intention is to create buildings and spaces that lift and inspire the human spirit through design, craft, and architecture.
Hill Swift

After graduating with honors from the University of Texas School of Architecture in 1980, Hill Swift worked for the Houston firms of CRS, Inc. (1981–1985) and 3D/International, Inc. (1985–1996). In 1996, he established the firm of Hill Swift Architects (1996–2005) to focus on the design of domestic and public buildings. In 2005, Mr. Swift joined the general architecture practice of Curtis & Windham Architects (2005–2015) where he was responsible for the completion of various domestic and institutional projects. In 2013, he re-established his architectural practice to create contemporary buildings firmly grounded in classical tradition.
What We Believe
The practice of architecture involves both art and science, and the act of creating architecture requires a team of professionals and artisans. A successful project includes not only the design of the building, but also the decoration of its interior spaces, the design of its gardens, and the craft of its construction.
As art, architecture can at times be transcendent and, at the least, create beauty by a thoughtful consideration of the formal elements of composition and the building’s relationship to its natural environment. We strive to make our work appear effortless and inevitable; that it has a sense of authenticity and fits into a larger context. That context may be a room or addition fitting into an existing building, a new house or building fitting into an existing neighborhood community, or a country retreat fitting into its natural surroundings.
As science, our practice is concerned with the intention and execution of the project, its program and economics, building craft, structure, environmental comfort, and a stewardship of resources.
While our work addresses contemporary programmatic issues of use and technology, it is informed by the classical architectural and craft tradition, be it formal or casual. We study precedent so that we may bring the lessons of history to the drawing table and continue to build upon those traditions in the present and into the future.
What We Do
We offer a full range of architectural services and enjoy a successful working relationship with a variety of consultants, enabling us to customize the design team to assist our clients in achieving their unique architectural goals and aspirations.
Our work begins with an initial discussion related to the intentions, requirements, and objectives for the project. The conversation continues throughout the design phase, as we develop and refine the specific plans and details for the project until the point at which we are ready to begin construction. Our work continues through the construction process, as a conversation with the artisans, and together, we bring forth the idea from paper to built reality.
Regardless of the project and scope, each individual client receives direct principal involvement, attention, and personal commitment to their building project from its initial conception through move in day and beyond.